Ethical Reporting Guidelines
Media Council Papua New Guinea Code of Ethics and Professional Practice 2024
This Code of Ethics and Professional Practice applies to all those engaged in the practice of creating and/or editing and presenting news and/or other content via print, radio or television broadcasts, the internet or other media platforms in Papua New Guinea. It calls for open, honest and responsible conduct in all professional dealings.
All members of the Media Council of PNG (MCPNG) are bound to uphold the principles and standards laid out in this Code. A condition of membership is commitment to the MCPNG's role in promoting high professional standards and public accountability through its processes of industry development and self-regulation.
The two main pillars of self-regulation are: this Code of Ethics and Professional Practice; and the MCPNG's Independent Complaints Tribunal, which deals with any alleged serious breach of the Code. Only a very strong argument made in the public interest - and approved by accountable senior editorial or production management - might justify an exception to these ethical principles and practices.
The MCPNG is a long-established incorporated association representing the media sector and its public interest role in the constitutional democracy of Papua New Guinea. Membership includes private commercial, state-owned and other media organisations and individual workers; also commercial and civil society actors whose principal business is not the creation and distribution of media content but which have an active interest in public communication.
In whole or relevant part, the provisions of this Code apply to the following categories of media staff, contractors and freelancers:
- Reporters
- Opinion columnists
- Editors and editorial production personnel
- Commissioning editors
- Channel/program managers
- Producers and directors
- Photographers/camera operators
- Cartoonists
- Graphic designers
- Web developers/designers/programmers/content managers/administrators
- Publishers/proprietors
- Executive editors/producers
- Commercial managers and staff
- Corporate communication/public affairs personnel
- Advertising and sponsorship clients
- Advertising and PR agencies.
1. Behave always with SCRUPULOUS HONESTY-
Identify yourself and who you work for
Use only honest and ethical methods to obtain information, images and recordings
Do not distort the truth by omission or misleading emphasis.
2. Strive always for ACCURACY AND BALANCE -
Follow the evidence and do not rely on hearsay or social media
Check facts, including names, titles and places
Report all principal points-of-view to an issue.
3. Identify clearly what is FACT and what is COMMENT -
Attribute factual claims to the source
Represent a range of relevant perspectives in commentary slots.
4. Exercise careful judgment in reference to SOCIAL MEDIA -
Ensure responsible moderation of user-generated content
Verify the integrity of third-party sites before quoting, using or linking to their content.
5. Uphold principles of MEDIA SELF-REGULATION -
Publish a correction and apology when a mistake is identified
Offer right of reply to a person significantly affected
Act in good faith to apply the Media Council's complaints management process.
Declare any personal conflict of interest, offer of a bribe or gift
Respect all people's safety, privacy and dignity, especially children and other vulnerable persons
Engender public confidence in the media by your personal conduct.